Mini "Link Blog"
The best link blog on the internet:
- A tour of Lucy the Elephant, New Jersey's best-known roadside attraction. 3/23.
- Dime Store Adventures (the best channel on YouTube) takes on the Jersey Devil. 3/23.
- You mean to tell me we're all just meat ghouls, riding a rock, ripping cigs? Tiggy Skibbles is the best AI yet. 3/19.
- A Google Map for the NJ Lighthouse Challenge. 3/9.
- A Google Map of the Boonton Line. An old rail through Jersey. 3/9.
- Not So Ebb Nitzer Ebb parody. #OldEmailArcheology. 3/5.
- Heavy Metal Cats. #OldEmailArcheology. 3/5.
- Old New Brunswick, New Jersey Court Tavern sets: A Window in Time EP, A Window in Time 2, A Window in Time 1, A Window in Time 3, A Window in Time 4. The Court Tavern was a rock club in New Brunswick, NJ that featured mostly punk, garage rock, hard rock, psyche rock type bands. I was banned twice for reasons. It has a history. Some of us hung out longer than we should have. #OldEmailArcheology. 3/5.
- Some music things: Cold Waves music festival. kairaibunch. Push by Heads. #OldEmailArcheology. 3/5.
- Duelin' Firemen! Sundance Trailer 1996/10/04. Multiple people reached out to me to share this video for Duelin' Firemen which was a short movie made to accompany a video game of the same name. It stars Rudy Ray Moore (Dolemite), DEVO, Ivan Stang (Church of the SubGenius) and B-Movie stars I cannot remember off the top of my head. It's like a dream, more than anything else. #OldEmailArcheology. 3/5.
- Clown Core has been around for at least 16 years, but it did not enter my conciousness until 2018. #OldEmailArcheology. 3/5.
- The Furby Organ. I shared this article with my musician friends back in 2018. The article was published on Mashable, which is/was a blog. Like Email, I don't think people read blogs as much as they used to. Maybe blogs will make a comeback like vinyl. #OldEmailArcheology. 3/5.
- Space Galaxy bootleg Star Wars toys from Ashens. I shared this with my Star Wars fan friends back in 2017... back when people still used email. #OldEmailArcheology. 3/5.
- Uncle Fatty the Fat Monkey was my spirit animal back on 2017. Most of my life I've been overweight, so his lifestyle choices resonate with me. #OldEmailArcheology. 3/5.
- The new Poppy comedy show is consistently entertaining. Try the Free Will episode. 2/28.
- Bar none, my favorite energy drink is Ghost Energy WARHEADS SOUR GREEN APPLE. 2/25.
- Cascade Range Volcanoes and Calderas Google map. 2/25.
- Insect collecting supplies: Atelier Jean Paquet. 2/25.
- What was YouTube like 7 years ago? FIXING JENNA MARBLES' GARBAGE DOGS. 2/25.
- What was YouTube like 13 years ago? You want some Mountain Dew? 2/25.
- PaGEODE - Pennsylvania GEOlogic Data Exploration is a great website for exploring the geology of Pennsylvania. 2/22.
- If I lived in Minneapolis, I would probably shop at Ax Man Surplus Stores. 2/22.
- After seeing hundreds of ads of Instagram, I finally broke down and ordered some music from The Phantom A.D. The Phantom fits somewhere in the Misfits horror punk and Cramps surf rock genre space, which I enjoy. 2/22.
- Japan is keeping the stationary supply dream alive. Visit the Shibuya Stationery Store. I've never not worked on a computer (except for the summer I worked in the Oakite acid factory), but I have a nostalgia for paper-related stationary products. . 2/22.
- A classic: Polka Sweet Child O' Mine. 2/22.
- Many "liminal spaces" type videos, like those made by somebody remind me of my time working at a major telecom. Telecoms and other pre-Internet tech firms have huge office buildings and campuses with thousands of offices or cubes... but by the late 2000's, most people started working from home. This meant that buildings were left 99% vacant, especially after 9pm. When I worked late I would walk the endless, beige hallways, half expecting to see a monster, zombie, or a ghost of an old-timer who died at his desk. Mostly I found 1960's artwork and dumpsters of old computer equipment and media. The experience was eerie, dreamlike, yet nostaligically comforting.
- Krzysztof Steplowski patches for synths. 1/26.
- HGich.T is a German dance band I like to check in on every five years or so. They make humorous videos. I will dub them "rural rave" music. 1/26.
- Looks like The Exotica Project website is back. 1/26.
- Rest in Peace, filmaker David Lynch. I have to finish watching David Lynch Presents Interview Project. 1/26.
- Terry Naumann on YouTube. Geology videos. 1/26.
- California Rocks! with Dr. Mary Leech. Geology (not just California). 1/26.
- Every Rock has a Story. Geology and Petrology. 1/26.
- Atomic Chemist Uranium mine exploration. 1/26.
- What's My Rock? 1/26.
- Pennsylvania's Rock Hound Haven 1/26.
- The past 4 years of YouTube were probably the "golden years" of online educational content, with so many educators putting knowledge online for folks who couldn't get to school in person because of the "beer bug". Nick Zentner was probably the best of the bunch. 1/26.
- Hey! It's the Fuck Snow song. I loved snow when I was a kid. As an adult, I'm not a fan. 1/18.
- World Auchenorrhyncha Database. 1/18.
- Desire Paths are a new obsession. 1/18.
- New Jersey topographic maps. United States Maps. 1/18.
- RAMAPO MOUNTAIN State Forest. Making plans for warmer months. 1/18.
- The Morris Canal with Tim Roth of the Canal Society of NJ. A video. I should upload my photos of the canal lock at Wharton, NJ. 1/12.
- Canal Society of New Jersey. 1/12.
- Geology 101 with Willsey, Episode #24: Explaining Strike and Dip. A video. 1/12.
- Visit the Mini-Blog archive for links from 2019-24.
Tura Satana easily breaks my arm like soft chalk:

There is a lot of stuff on this website: a blog about road trips, six free music albums, art, a comic strip, a directory of awesome links, and a mini-blog. I restarted the site out of sheer boredom in 2020. I pulled together some of my favorite internet stuff from the 1990s and 2000s. I hope someone enjoys it as much as I do.
Road trips and adventures:
Ten most popular articles in 2024:
- Nothing but trouble in Centralia Pennsylvania
- Pasadena Terracotta Brick Factory
- Parlin Sayreville Amber and Pyrite Fields (Rockhound Zone)
- The Franklin Parker Preserve and abandoned railroad tracks
- Photos from Asbury Park, New Jersey from the 2000s
- Gotta go to the Hofheimer Grotto
- The Gingerbread Castle in Hamburg, NJ
- The Egg aka the Betsy Orb
- CNJ railroad tracks in the woods (Atsion, NJ)
- Cliffwood Beach used to have cliffs made of prehistoric wood and amber
Ten most recent articles:
- New Jersey’s volcano (Rutan Hill) and mini-mountains that glow under UV blacklight
- The Giant Pie Lady of Frackville, Pennsylvania
- Stromatolites in Hamburg, New Jersey
- Asbury Park Art Murals, Wooden Walls Project
- Asbury Lanes (Asbury Park, NJ) The Best Years
- Photos from Asbury Park, New Jersey from the 2000s
- The Sterling Hill Mining Museum (Ogdensburg, NJ)
- CNJ railroad tracks in the woods (Atsion, NJ)
- New Jersey Lighthouse Challenge
- Everything in the middle of Nowhere in the middle of Everywhere