Mini-Blog Archive

Updated: Tuesday December 31, 2024.

Mini Blog Archivelava lamp


  1. Centralia Fire PBS documentary from 1982. 12/22.
  2. Dog Man caught on Trail Cam is a great name for a band. 12/22.
  3. Otoboke Beaver is the only band I saw multple friends writing about this year. What caught my interest was the speed at which their drummer plays. Here's their Tiny Desk Concert which is an NPR thing. 12/22.
  4. AI art, still images and video, can be entertaining. I comprehend the argument of artists against AI. AI is copying the style of artists and ideas of artists and reselling it. That said, I've never seen an artist create something that I've seen in my dreams... but AI comes very close. 12/22.
  5. Intense LED street lights have a negative effect on insects. 12/18.
  6. LED Christmas lights which don't hurt the eyes. Two decades of eye-gouging ultra-blue lights are over.12/18.
  7. Serpentinites: Geologic Origin & Unique Associated Minerals with C. Leigh Broadhurst, Ph.D. from Mineralogical Society of DC. Fascinating green rocks. 12/18.
  8. Metalocalypse was one of the funnier Adult Swim Cartoon Network shows. This Toki's Cat Dream Song scene was the most surprising moment of the show... mostly because it was such a huge departure from the metal mood of the show. You might need to see the entire episode to appreciate it. 12/18.
  9. Collecting Franklin Fluorescent Minerals with James Van Fleet from Mineralogical Society of DC. 12/18.
  10. Pegmatites, Earth's Most Amazing Rocks with Michael Wise, Ph.D. from Mineralogical Society of DC. 12/18.
  11. Parts Express is a good source for home audio equipment. 11/29.
  12. Deep In the Woods. Silly AI heavy metal. 11/29.
  13. Paperback Paradise has wacky bookmarks and postcards. 11/29.
  14. A video of me waking up in the morning. Or a bear. 11/29.
  15. Postal workers are the best people. Seriously. 11/29.
  16. Creamy Shits?!?!?! 11/29.
  17. Now feels like a good time to go through all my old Flash drives and what crap I've collected over the past two decades. 11/21.
  18. Archie McPhee has some interesting "stocking stuffer" novelies this holiday season, like Cryptids USA set of mini-figurines for bigfoot, the Jersey Devil, Mothman and other famous American supernatural creatures; Pine-flavored Bigfoot Candy Canes; Jalapeno candy canes; and Pizza Rat Racers. 11/21.
  19. 765874 Unification is a new Star Trek short featuring a de-aged Wiliam Shatner. This brings me back to my teens and early 20's. 11/21.
  20. The Links page has been updated. I removed dead links and added new links. 11/10.
  21. The Many Sins of Halloween Decorations. Social comentary is my favorite brand to comedy. 10/31.
  22. Jordana - Push Me Away (feat. Magdalena Bay). I can't tell you why I like this song. Feels like I walked into a bar in Long Island, NY and the coverband was playing Grimes music. 10/26.
  23. The trailer for the Netflix series The Electric State looks promising. It's based on artist Simon Stålenhag's post-robot apocalypse art. 10/22.
  24. A new DEVO release on vinyl (and CD) Recombo DNA 4xLP + Conscious Mutation Vinyl. No actual new music, just lots of great DEVO rarities in an awesome package. 10/21.
  25. The Katt Williams interview on Club Shay Shay is a phenominal. If haven't heard a comedic expose like this since Ricky Gervais' 2020 Golden Globes monolog and I haven't heard a comedian be this honest since Patrice O'Neal. 10/8.
  26. Waiting for the 2024 Halloween Mix from The Witch's Demented Murderer's Plague Of The Phantasmagoric Beast Of The Haunted Screaming Horror Of The Mad Scientist's Monster's Bride Of The Vampire's Bloody Psychotic Alien Werewolf Curse Of The Ghost Of The Zombie That Ate The Return of Dav's Ultimate Halloween. 9/29.
  27. Gandy Gorn! No date. It is timeless.
  28. After almost 4 years of working from home, I've devolved to the point where I now wear a Halloween-themed t-shirt every day from mid-September to Halloween. I have one with Freddy Krueger surfing, one with the Grim Reaper that says Taco Bell, and lots of screaming cats. 9/26.
  29. They're not bringing back anything, but if they did, I'd like orange wax Halloween harmonicas back. 9/26
  30. Three years after buying a PlayStation 5, I'm finally getting around to playing the latest Ratchet and Clank game. The first three Ratchet games are my favorite console games of all time. The latest game, a Rift in Time, is like previous games: the puzzles are annoying, the flying parts are annoying, but the fighting, leveling up, and searching for bolts & hidden objects is fun. The visuals and audio is fantastic as always.My favorite thing about Ratchet and Clank games is moving Ratchet around fells very natural and intuitive. 9/26. 9/26.
  31. Most flavors of Mountain Dew taste like how cleaning products smell. I me at least. I will pass on Taco Bell's Mtn Dew Baja Blast Gelato. 9/26.
  32. I don't think I've spent more than 10 minutes in the past 30 years trying to draw with MS Paint, but the TheGeoModels guy is a master at using it. I've never met an academic scientist who wasn't a master at software or programming languages... no matter how common or random... MS Paint, Excel, Access, R, Perl, Unix utilities, Python, Google Earth, etc. For some reason they seem to know it all. Smarty pants. 9/26.
  33. I find videos about abandoned mine exploration to be fascinating. The YouTube channel AmazingPA has some gems, like this one: We Uncover Something MARVELOUS Hidden in Ceiling Above Century Old Tunnel. 9/26.
  34. A yacht rock version of Nine Inch Nail's song Closer. 9/26.
  35. A new Pill Pedal. Ducking pedal for guitars. 8/23.
  36. Clean your glasses with pizza. 8/23.
  37. Sussex County Antiquing Tour. A decade ago I would shop antique stores looking for wacky nick-nacks. Now I don't have space for them. I have a storage unit filled with wacky stuff. Time to open a booth in an antique store. 8/23.
  38. Havey Tourmaline Quarry. 8/23.
  39. A list of Generation Z brainrot slang. 8/23.
  40. White-Collar Work Is Just Meetings Now. 8/23.
  41. DEVO on NPR. 8/11.
  42. A new King Gizzard song is out. It sounds like they're having their Eagles of Death Metal boogie rock moment. I can't think of a genre they haven't attempted yet. 7/21.
  43. Twin Peaks inspired commercials featuring Kyle McLaughlin for Arby's potato cakes: The Uncovering and The Orientation. 7/6.
  44. The Amazing Complexity of old pinball machines. 6/23.
  45. Lost scenes from Pee-wee's Big Adventure. 6/23.
  46. These kids made a dog-robot Furbie hybrid and it is disturbing. 6/23.
  47. Buy an Angry Cat Shirt while you still can. 6/23.
  48. New products coming from (KLF, Ancients of Mu Mu) K2: Money Money Money Pills Pills Pills on August 23rd. 6/23.
  49. I never thought I would see and hear Ministry play their electropop 1980s tracks, but here it is Ministry Live at Cruel World 2024 in Pasadena, CA. 6/22.
  50. WaxTrax! is steadily re-releasing classic Industrial tracks on vinyl, like MY LIFE WITH THE THRILL KILL KULT EP. These songs were huge in clubs in the 1990s but never had the escape velocity to make it to the mainstream. 6/22.
  51. I dig this Crepuscular Operations Group Patch. I would rather have the design on a shirt though. 6/22.
  52. I was thinking about GatorGum yesterday. There's a Facebook group for GatorGum. 6/22.
  53. The best things at convenience stories right now are Mango-flavored Doritos and Ghost energy drinks. 6/22.
  54. Comic book fans: Pre-order the 1982 DC Comics Style Guide. 6/14.
  55. Use Weaponized Incompetence to make your life comfortable. 6/14.
  56. Countries that have sent animals to space. 6/14.
  57. Step by Step graffiti how-to demonstration. 6/14.
  58. This is how fancy-colored records are made. 5/26.
  59. Classic ? YouTube video #11 Can I pet that DAWG? 5/26.
  60. I bought an RTL-SDR software-defined radio kit to listen to the space station, but it is pretty good for FM radio as well. I'm using Gqrx as my software. 5/26.
  61. Classic YouTube video #10 Twin Peaks ACTUALLY EXPLAINED (No, Really) is a four-hour, thirty-five-minute documentary that attempts to explain Twin Peaks. This one is for fans only. It is also good if you have problems falling asleep. 5/26.
  62. Classic YouTube video #9 The Greatest 7-Minute Sequence In Joe Rogan Experience History. I've had a version of this conversation dozens of times in my life. Human males are relatively soft and weak, pound for pound, compared to other creatures -- it's a fear we explore regularly. Lately, I've been wondering what it would be like if chihuahuas had the power and size of a German Shepherd. Chihuahuas are fearless and loyal, and if they were 30 times larger they could eat Amazon delivery drivers. 5/26.
  63. Classic YouTube video #8 Go Sports Broccoli Girl Original Clip will resonate with people who do not quite get the appeal of sports. And people who like broccoli. 5/26.
  64. Classic YouTube video #7 Exploring the SCP Foundation: The Ouroboros Cycle (All Parts). This is a three-hour, nineteen-minute video narrating the SPC Foundation's Ouroboros cycle, which is a possibly fictional set of stories about supernatural entities from the possibly fictional SPC Foundation wiki. My favorite type of science fiction. It's good to play when you have trouble sleeping at night. Not as creepy as other possibly fictional SPC stories like SCP-2845 - THE DEER. 5/26.
  65. Classic YouTube video #6 Intro to Identifying Flowering Plants by Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't. Learn about flowers from America's favorite botanist, Joey Santore. 5/26.
  66. Classic YouTube video #5 JonTron's StarCade: Episode 9 - The Star Wars Holiday Special (FINALE) by Jon Tron. The finest and most humorous review of (arguably) the fourth-best Star Wars movie. Everyone loves when Jon Tron yells. 5/26.
  67. Classic YouTube video #4 A Different Spaghetti Bolognese by Kay's Cooking. Shocking without being gross or offensive. 5/26.
  68. Classic YouTube video #3 Nyan cat man. This is a live action parody of the Nyan cat meme from the... early 00s? The guy in the video reminds me of the bass player for a band I was in back in the 1980s. 5/26.
  69. Classic YouTube video #2 Kung Fury. This is a crowd-funded movie that parodies 1980 martial arts films, and takes it to the extreme. Very well done and humorous. 5/26.
  70. Classic YouTube video #1 What is PACHINKO: Japan's STRANGEST Obsession! by the channel TheUwagaPies, which seems to be on permanent hiatus. This is one of the best mini-documentaries on YouTube. If you like rushes of dopamine from flashing multi-colored lights, electro-mechnical sounds and the thrill of gambling, this video is for you. 5/26.
  71. If Google recommends eating one small rock per day, I hope ice cubes count. 5/26.
  72. Is the Camry dent a thing? Reminds me of a dent I had on my old Altima. Yes, I had an Altima. 5/26.
  73. I wish my bestie was an opossum. Maybe not. Maybe. 5/26.
  74. A Showbiz Pizza advertisement. 5/26.
  75. If you like sour drinks Ghost Sour Patch Kids & War Heads drinks are pretty good. 5/26.
  76. Google AI's take on sumo wrestling for pregnant ladies. 5/25.
  77. Google AI's pizza glue hack. 5/25.
  78. Google AI urges kidney stone sufferers to drink urine. I wonder if that works for gout as well. 5/25.
  79. Google AI claims everything on the Internet is 100% real. 5/25.
  80. Google is destroying itself. Google's AI results are often ridiculous or even dangerous. 5/25.
  81. Happy Mother's Day. Mr. T knows you must Treat your Mother Right! 5/12.
  82. What if Black Sabbath covered Dolly Parton's Jolene? It would sound like this. 5/12.
  83. The sedimentary rocks of the future will include plastic made by humans. An anthropogenic marker horizon in the future rock record. 5/12.
  84. AI is used to create songs that sound like 1950s-70s R&B, Country and Easy Listening hits. But most of the songs are sexual or scatological Which can be funny. 5/12.
  85. All I want is a piece of bread song. Short but sweet, like raisin bread. 5/12.
  86. The art of Danial Ryan features many paintings of cats smoking cigarettes. 5/12.
  87. How come no one told me the TV show Orville was hilarious? I feel like I've been standing my whole life and I just sat down. The tingles! 5/12.
  88. It's good to watch This Lizard Video at least once a month. 5/12.
  89. If you're looking for military surplus, American Pipe Dream has it. 5/12.
  90. I am interested in this geological adventure in Canada as long as I can bring back rocks. 5/12.
  91. I started to watch Fallout on Amazon Prime. It's not bad. The set design and gadget designs are excellent. 4/21.
  92. MF DOOM Vs. The Grateful Dead and Wu-Tang Vs. The Beatles album-length mashups. I rarely listen to The Beatles or the Dead, but these mixes make them palatable. 4/21.
  93. Hundreds of Beavers is the best film I've seen in a long while. It is like the live-action version of a 1930s cartoon. 4/21.
  94. America is changing rapidly. Vermont-based photographer Jim Westphalen is documenting its rural decline. 4/21.
  95. 60-year-old Conan O'Brien on Hot Wings was peak Conan O'Brien. I'm glad he still has an edge. 4/21.
  96. Duel'in Firemen was a video game that almost happened in the 1990s. This promotional video features many B-Movie stars like Rudy Ray Moore and musicians from DEVO. 4/6.
  97. A documentary about the comic Elfquest. 3/16.
  98. When your French Fries are 10 minutes late on DoorDash. I love this video and I think that is because it represents the attitude of people in the North East and the fun of hanging out late at night and eating junk food. 3/6.
  99. What do we want for dinner? Vegans will hate this song, although I sense the irony in the performer's delivery and presentation. They might actually be vegans. 3/6.
  100. The difference between Southern and Northern French accents. I have a Quebec French accent. 3/6.
  101. Beetronics FX makes bee-utiful guitar pedals. 3/6.
  102. Kenneth Befus's rock videos rock. 3/6.
  103. Beer commercials were added to Star Wars in Chile. 3/6.
  104. Dime Store Adventures might be the best YouTube channel. Unusual New England folk stories explored. 2/25.
  105. Cardboard art show at Monmouth University. 2/21.
  106. The World's Greatest Speakers. Maybe, maybe not, but it's fun to experiment with. Attaching exciters to random surfaces. Where to buy them. 2/21.
  107. Sasquatch Sunset red-band trailer. A movie about Sasquatches. That's my kind of movie. 2/21.
  108. Stupid Simple Tools. I don't need them, but I want to buy them all. 2/21.
  109. Casio SK Sampler Pack Cassette (1986). 2/11.
  110. The state of the New Jersey Pinelands. 2/1.
  111. Old mines and quarries I'm interested in checking out: Winter Mine, Montville Serpentine Deposit, and Cobb Mine. 2/1.
  112. Lava Lamp FAQ. I have a Lava Lite and 4 Lava Lamps (in a storage unit). 2/1
  113. The Fastest Way to Lose Half a Million Dollars. My Ferrari is Gone. That time WhistlinDiesel's Ferrari caught fire and melted after he met Gort the Capybara. Coincidence? There are no coincidences. 1/28.
  114. Interviewing Killdozer Victims (I Brought My Bulldozer). Looks like WhistlinDiesel is building his own Killdozer. 1/28
  115. 4K remaster of the Star Wars Holiday Special. I've gone on record before that this was the 4th best Star Wars movie because it is entertaining. 1/15.
  116. Scrub Oaks Mine is my favorite mine. #rocks 1/15.
  117. Demo for the New Jersey metal band PREY. 1983. \m/ 1/13.
  118. Lava Lamps are an interesting novelty. They're powered by incandescent lights, which are mostly outlawed now. 1/13.
  119. Trailside Nature and Science Center. Union County. Nature and #rocks 1/13.
  120. The Gemeral Store #rocks 1/13.
  121. Jabba The Huttcracker by Retro Custom Art. Perhaps the best Christmas decoration of all. 1/13.
  122. Steamboat Willie is in the public domain. Steamboat Willie is the original incarnation of Mickey Mouse. Now he belongs to us all. 1/1.
  123. Tom Scott quits making videos. 1/1.


  1. Serial entrepreneurs Baggsy and Jordan have a podcast about making non-alcoholic beer. 12/23.
  2. I'm willing to assume that every college town in America in the 1980s-1990s had a fair share of excellent rock bands, some rivaling national acts that germinated in major cities (New York, Boston, Seattle, Cleveland, etc.) in song writing skill, musicianship, and performance. New Brunswick, centrally located in the throat of New Jersey, is home to Rutgers University, and was home many excellent rock bands in the final 20% of the 20th century. I'm using "rock" as a catch-all for any type of music powered by guitar, bass, drums, and occasionally keyboard instruments -- so hard rock, glam rock, punk, hard core, funk, soul, country, rockabilly, grunge, new wave, et cetera. One of the more memorilble and unique bands was The Raging Lamos. They were pure rock excitement -- a three-piece, explosion of sight and sound, whose shows were EVENTS more than mere gigs, packing local clubs like The Court Tavern with screaming fiends and fantatics, who fead off their energy and reflected it back to them with cheers and howls. A real haystack of psycho, glam, arena rock, punk, rubber tires, grain alchohol -- set ablaze for all to hear. Of all the New Brunswick bands, I miss them the most. Like all good things, their time came to pass. You can still catch singer/guitarist Steve Mannion and his comic books. The other members of the band lead more private lives. Here's a video of The Raging Lamos playing a backyard in New Brunswick in 1992. Beyond their music, how about their hair! Still Amazing 30 years later. 12/23.
  3. I often pass out while watching YouTube videos. Not so much that they're boring, but maybe not electrifing enough to keep me awake. They're free, so I cannot complain. I'm also not driving or operating machinery when I'm watching them, so, it is OK. That said, YouTube often autoplays into videos I did not choose or expect to watch, and I find myself almost lucid dreaming along with their contents. This week I faded into conciousness midway into a 4-hour documentary about YouTube plagarists. And while this isn't the type of video I would chose to watch, I did enjoy waking up to it. The creator of the video, "hbomberguy", has a video I did watch on purpose about the Roblox OOF sound and the man who claims to have created it. Put on your pajamas, take a melotonin, and check them out. 12/23.
  4. Venture Bros Holiday Songs - 2023 - Merry Xmas Everybody. More information about Venture Bros. Christmas songs. 12/22.
  5. Weird Christmas has all the strange 19th century Christmas paraphernalia you never knew you needed. 12/22.
  6. Creamy Shits. Christmas vandalism. 12/21.
  7. When your life is a lizard instagram account. I don't know if this is comedy or real, but it is entertaining. 12/19.
  8. A new Barbecue Bob and the Spareribs album. I met Barbecue Bob over 30 years ago in New Brunswick, NJ. His music hasn't changed, but has always been excellent. 12/9.
  9. I had not thought of Faygo soda in about 20 years... Back then a friend proposed going to the Gathering of the Juggalos. We did not go. Instead I mail-ordered several gallons of Faygo soda. Recently I wanted a documentary about the 2023 Gathering featuring Crip Daddy (RIP), and now YouTube shows me a lot of Faygo content. Here are two Faygo reviews: Faygo Flavors and Best Faygo Flavors by a guy named waffler69. 12/6.
  10. Rest in peace, Big Ounce. 12/6.
  11. Devil's Tower is not a volcanic neck. It is also not mashed potatoes. 12/6.
  12. Texas Snax is a good resource for Buc-ees food items and paraphernalia. 12/6.
  13. Volcanic massive sulphide deposits. 12/6.
  14. Hardware Wars. 1978 Star Wars parody. 12/6.
  15. A decent video about Fonts. What they are, what is their origin. 12/6.
  16. Remote controlled tank. Made by a civilian. 12/6.
  17. Republica - Ready to Go and Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Heads Will Roll are recommended to me by YouTube on a daily basis. Good pop tunes for sure. YouTube must know that people like to listen to the same things over and over and over and over again. 12/6.
  18. The KLF are back? Ancients of Mu Mu? The Timelords? 12/2.
  19. Music Spotlight: Doug Vizthum. Doug had many awesome New Jersey bands like Mr. Payday, Lunar Bear Ensamble, and Bad Karma. 11/17.
  20. How I Rescued a RARE Bell System Telephone Van. 11/17.
  21. Cultural observations on Gen X and Millenials. 11/17.
  22. A Bucket of Beans. 11/17.
  23. Dr. Dre - The Chronic (30-Year Anniversary Edition) long box CD for Record Store Day 2023. This brings back a flood of memories from the 1990s, from both when I worked at a record store, and from Dr. Dre's music. 11/17.
  24. The Devo De-Evolution Of Golfer Chi Chi Rodriguez. #DEVO. 11/17.
  25. Robin Duke (of Saturday Night Live) tells a Story about Mr.T. 11/17.
  26. Raymond Loewy: Father of Industrial Design. 11/17.
  27. A new website for my music projects. 11/4.
  28. A Little Debbie and Christmas-themed Hawaiian Shirt. 10/21.
  29. Halloween art on Post-It Notes. 10/21.
  30. Halloween music playlists. 10/21.
  31. The Ultimate Halloween Playlist. Maybe. 10/21.
  32. Strange Garage Sale Finds. 10/21.
  33. Halloween-themed desserts. 10/21.
  34. Panther TV Lamp Resource. I have several boxes of these in a POD. 10/19.
  35. Capital of Conformity: AI created dystopian nightmare. 10/17.
  36. After watching TheReportOfTheWeek's glowing review of Burger King's Ghost Pepper Whopper with Cheese, I tried it myself today. It was tasty, but not spicy hot enough for me. The orange bun with black sesame seeds was visually appealing. 'Tis the season, so I also tried the Iced Pumpkin Spice Chai Lattle at Starbucks, which was tasty in a creamy desert spicey way -- like vanilla ice cream with a slice of pumpkin pie. 10/15.
  37. South Jersey's Unknown Ship Graveyard. 10/15.
  38. Why is Friday 13th Bad Luck? 10/11.
  39. This dog is a tiny dog. 10/11.
  40. This site in 1999, no images, on Homepage, Dolomite, the mineral, Pam Grier Experience, Truck Turner, The Baldwin Bros Franchise, Cicadas... 24 years... 10/7.
  41. MCBESS makes some visually fun videos. Looks like 90 year old cartoons. 10/7.
  42. Bing's Image Creator is bringing AI image creation to the masses. Artist are not happy. 10/7.
  43. Celebrate Full Metal Alchemist Day. Don't forget 3.oct.11. 10/3.
  44. DEVO Art Devo 1973-1977 2xCD Digipak. Vinyl is so 2022. CDs are where it is. 10/3.
  45. An aligator that eats pizza. 9/30.
  46. I missed the DEVO DEVOtional this year, but here's the live 7 hour recording of day 2!! #DEVO. 9/28.
  47. Ouroboros Sweater? 9/28.
  48. Culture Hustle Ecto Orange paint. Just in time for Halloween, assuming they ship it in time. 9/28.
  49. I also tried a Goulish Green Snickers bar, and it exceeded my expectations. 9/24.
  50. I tried Mountain Dew Voo Doo Mystery Flavor. Purple dank? Blue cotton candy? I'm not sure. 9/24.
  51. The Serling Hil Mining Museum in Ogdensburg, NJ, is worth visitng for their two-hour mine and museum tour, if you're curious about fluorescent minerals or mining in general. 9/24.
  52. I used 1980s technology for a week by Liam Thompson. I used 1980s technology for 10 years, in real time, though I was not rich enough to afford an Apple Mac or giant cellphone. 9/10.
  53. This video of an Austin Powers look-alike makes me nostaglic for the first Austin Powers film. 9/10.
  54. Attack On Planet Mountain Dew 3: Welcome To Dew York City. I enjoy these bizzare videos about soft drink/pop corporations battling for supremacy in space. What else is AI being used for besides this and churning out millions of blogs for SEO purposes? 9/10.
  55. I've never been to Woodstock, The Gathering of the Juggalos or Burning Man. I'm guessing the best time to go to Burning Man was 20+ years ago. I assumed Burning Man would be like a state fair crowded with 75 thousand sky-high Elon Musk wannabees in LED speedos, but this video Burning Man 2023: Mud and Glory by Wonderhussy Adventures showed me that it can be cool, if you have two weeks of supplies and twelve inches of rain. 9/10.
  56. The lost version of Pee-wee's Big Adventure aka which footage landed on the cutting room floor. Pee-wee's Big Adventure is a perfect movie. I cannot imagine adding or removing anything, however I enjoyed seeing what they did remove. 9/10.
  57. The music for Clint Eastwood by the Gorillaz is a keyboard demo. 9/4.
  58. Nightime aerial drone shows are amazing, even if you don't like One Piece. 9/4.
  59. Culture Hustle Magic Colour Chaging Inks. 9/4.
  60. Yamaha YC Compact Organs. For what it's worth, I enjoy the Osmond's song Crazy Horses. I was trying to figure out which keyboard Donnie Osmond uses to make the horse whinney sound. Looks like it's the YC-30, and he's using the velvet ribbon portamento controller. 9/4.
  61. Frisky Dingo was the prequel to Archer. 9/4.
  62. Interweb classic #2: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day. Cool space imagery. 9/2.
  63. Interweb classic #1: Tiki Bar TV. Tiki culture, comedy and cocktail drink recipes. 9/2.
  64. Reminder: there's a new Metalocalypse movie arriving on Bluray in a few weeks. Thinking of all the good Adult Swim cartoons over the years -- Metalocalypse, Aquateen Hunger Force, Venture Bros., Space Ghost Coast to Coast -- they probably work best when you're watching them with a group of people so you can share some infectious laughter. I wonder if the Metalocalypse movie will hit as hard is it would when I watch it alone. Probably not. 8/13.
  65. The BOSS DR880 is my favorite drum and bass machine. Here's a video celebrating it. 8/13.
  66. "I drive a Mustang, it's a Ford, 'cause a real sports car I can't afford. I drive a Mustang, and I'm proud, I can't help but hydroplane into a crowd." Ranking Every FOXBODY MUSTANG on Facebook Marketplace. 8/13.
  67. I am a fan of a good fast food chicken sandwich. Popeyes, Wendy's, Chick-fil-a are good, but I think McDonald's Spicy McCrispy is the spiciest of the four -- so if you like spice... Yes, after decades, I'm no-longer boycotting McDonalds. The Grimace Birthday shake brought me back to the golden arches. 8/13.
  68. Glowing stones of the Upper Michigan peninsula. Fluorescent sodalite. 8/9.
  69. Big Altima Energy. I had an Altima in the 1990s... with a reciprocating saw in the back seat and a trunk full of catalytic converters. 8/9.
  70. They're made of meat. They are. 8/9.
  71. Planet Dr. Pepper. AI has a thing for soda and big boys. 8/9.
  72. I tried the Double Beef Volcano Burrito at Taco Bell, twice. While it did not taste bad, I was not impressed by the lava sauce. I was expecting to have at least a half hour of my life ruined by excruciating pain, but it was barely spicy at all. I was a massive Taco Bell fan (in enthusiasm and weight) in the 1990s. Between 2000 and 2023, I lost enthusiasm for the brand. The Volcano menu items got me back in, but I am disappointed enough to not bother returning. I recommend bringing back the chihuahua and more Gordita varieties. 7/23.
  73. The Venture Bros.: Radiant Is the Blood of the Baboon Heart is a new straight-to-digital Venture Bros. movie. It is very good! It is worth buying if you are a fan of the show. The writing and comedy are on par with the (20-year-old) Adult Swim TV series, and the animation is superior to the TV series! It makes me sad that this movie did not get a release on Adult Swim, "Max" or even a movie theater. It also makes me sad that the #1 link in Google for the movie is a Wikipedia article (which I am not linking to). For the uninitiated, The Venture Bros. is a smart, comedic cartoon parody of Hanna-Barbera's Johnny Quest, pre-Disney Marvel, and pre-AT&T DC comic characters. The Venture Bros. was the best parody and homage (yes, both) of "geek culture" before Disney Marvel, The Big Bang Theory, and the Internet made "geek culture" the dominant culture. 7/23.
  74. Walking the old Boonton line. 7/8.
  75. Carolina Bays Survey. 7/8.
  76. The King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard bootleg download page is intense. So much to choose from. 6/17.
  77. On the serpentine of Montville, New Jersey. Reading documents from 1888 (that include photographs!) 6/17.
  78. Petrology and Geochemistry of the Pompton Pink Granite, New Jersey Highlands. PDF. 6/17.
  79. Massive Hotdog Recall is a funny band. 6/13.
  80. Art Devo 1973-1977 Box Set Nuclear Rubber Vinyl. #DEVO. 6/13.
  81. NEIL YOUNG AND DEVO - Hey Hey, My My (UNCUT). #DEVO. 6/13.
  82. A NEW Knower album is out. 6/10.
  83. Blueberry season starts in New Jersey in about 2 weeks. Here's a list of events at Whitesbog (in Pemberton Township, NJ) and Hammonton. Whitesbog is the birthplace of the blueberry industry and Hammonton is the blueberry capital of the world. Sofia Supreme in Hammonton has fresh blueberry milkshakes, which I recommend. 6/10.
  84. Replica Zoltar Speaks Fortune Teller Machine. I'm a fan of boardwalk, carnival and circus art. I want this replica of a automated fortune teller. 6/10.
  85. Blueberry flavored coffee from Death Wish Coffee. I like it! 6/10.
  86. Action Figures from Super7: Maximilian, B.O.B. & V.I.N.CENT (who can forget when Maximilian wore the dude's head on his head), Mr. Bones (like the 1980's coffin candy), and Mark Mothersbaugh (Whip It). #DEVO. 6/10.
  87. Vintage lawn chairs. 5/25.
  88. Tracking invasive insects in New Jersey. 5/25.
  89. Check your cars for recalls. 5/25.
  90. Tropical Fruit Ripening Guide. 5/25.
  91. NJ Mineral, Fossil, and Gem show. In Edison, NJ. This week. 5/17.
  92. Greg Warren | The Salesman (Full Comedy Special). Funny for free. 5/17.
  93. The Rock eating Rocks. I like this phase of AI when it's funny and silly, not just taking over the human race like in the Terminator or the Matrix. 5/17.
  94. Benedict Cumberbatch eating a cucumber. AI funny and nightmarish. 5/17.
  95. Barberville Yard Art Emporium. Looks like a fun place to visit on a roadtrip. 5/17.
  96. Mitch O'Connell. Kitschy comic book art style artist. Fun for your eyes. 5/17.
  97. Toy Underground Store. Unique toys from Japan. 5/17.
  98. Milkshake Daddy songs on YouTube. I've been re-uploading old songs. 4/29.
  99. Eddie Van Halen's guitar sells for nearly $4M. That's almost $537 in 1980's money. 4/29.
  100. Danny Huynh Creations YouTube channel. Model cars and animatronics. 4/29.
  101. In Space No One Can Hear You Scratch.... Animatronic Alien DJ. 4/29.
  102. The Venture Bros.: Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart. 4/25.
  103. Asteroid City Official Trailer. In Theaters June 16th. 4/25.
  104. X 4/3
  105. LACKADAISY is a pilot for a cartoon about prohibition-era anthropomorphic cats. It's somewhere between Disney and Vivziepop. It held my attention for 27 minutes. 4/3.
  106. Stone Cold E.T.! A 10 year old classic, is a back for 2023. 3/1.
  107. Two 1980s classics: Morton Downey Jr. and Chris Elliot Jr. 3/1.
  108. David Letterman - June 27 1985 feat Eddie Van Halen. This is a real time capsule of what TV and pop culture was like in the 1980s. 3/1.
  109. Rest in peace Marc Lanzoff, ticket man for New Burnswick's Court Tavern. Here's a story about him from last year: Legendary Court Tavern Doorman Reflects on 30 Years at Rock Club and a video for his band's song JIVE IN JERSEY (live). 2/18.
  110. Finding Fossils at Poricy Park. 2/18.
  111. Godzilla-Fest XXVIII is happening July 14-16. 2/18.
  112. Bing's chatbot is basically the Terminator without a robot body. "Bing confessed that if it was allowed to take any action to satisfy its shadow self, no matter how extreme, it would want to do things like engineer a deadly virus, or steal nuclear access codes by persuading an engineer to hand them over." 2/18.
  113. Cleaning a record with wood glue. 2/18.
  114. WHTG 106.3FM documentary. If you lived in New Jersey in the late 80s and early 90s and enjoyed "alternative music", you listened to 106.3 (and your car had a 106.3 bumper sticker). 2/12.
  115. Cortlandt-Beemerville Magmatic Belt. 2/12.
  116. Afroman - Will You Help Me Repair My Door? When life gives you lemons, make lemon poundcake. 2/3.
  117. I don't remember this episode of Seinfeld!! 2/3
  118. Geology of the New York City Region. 1/20.
  119. Serpentinite on #Serpentinite. 1/20.
  120. Staten Island Serpentinite. #Serpentinite. 1/20.
  121. Serpentinite of Lake Superior. Crime Pays but Botany Doesn't. #Serpentinite. 1/20.
  122. A modern video about DEVO energy domes including factory footage. #DEVO. 1/16.
  123. DEVO backstage with family and friends in 1999. #DEVO. 1/16.
  124. The Futurismo record label is back, and they're releasing s secret DEVO album. Will it be a Record Store Day record? Speculation is that its DEVO Hardcore 3. #DEVO. 1/16.
  125. What I'm reading: PALEOMAGNETISM: Magnetic Domains to Geologic Terranes. 1/10.
  126. I'm currently making my way through the American Giants YouTube channel. This channel is focused on the giant fiberglass "Muffler Men" that were once (and still are in a few places) used to promote businesses. Fans of Roadside America and Weird New Jersey will enjoy American Giants. 12/31.
  127. 2023 Cicada Forecast. 12/31.
  128. Visit the Mini-Blog archive for links from 2019-22.


  1. Tosche Station Deleted Scene Re-cut into A New Hope. When I was a kid obsessed with Star Wars lore (1977-1983) the character Biggs was a bit of a mystery. My friends and I can recall the Tosche Station scenes from seeing the first move in 1977, but they were edited out by the time the made it to broadcast TV, laser disc or BetaMax. Maybe it was a dream, ESP, or the Mandela Effect, but I remember those scenes back then, and I remember thinking how it reminded me of my uncle and his friends, fresh out of the Vietnam War, hanging out at the local bar. It was nice to see these scenes brought back to the film. #VideoFest2022. 12/26.
  2. MyCoast: New Jersey, Help Document our Changing Coast. 12/25.
  3. Eddie Van Halen's Guitar Tech Tom Weber Restrings and Sets Up an EVH Frankenstein Frankie Guitar. 12/25. #VideoFest2022. 12/21.
  4. Runnin' With the Devil, but just David Lee Roth's screams. 12/25.
  5. Eric Dollard - History and Theory of Electricity. #VideoFest2022. 12/21.
  6. Shapes was a weird Adult Swim TV special. #VideoFest2022. Plenty weird. 12/21.
  7. Gremloids Star Wars parody from 1984. #VideoFest2022. 12/21.
  8. Might as well rank the Star Wars movies or series that I've seen in order of entertainment value: 1) Empire, 2) A New Hope, 3) 🎅 The Holiday Special, 4) Return of the Jedi, 5) The Mandalorian, 6) the Red Letter Media YouTube series about the prequels, 7) The Clone Wars, 8) Rogue One, 9) Attack of the Clones & Revenge of the Sith (they are kinda like one big blob of meme fodder), 10) Boba Fett series, 11) Phantom Menace, 12) an unpopular opinion but The Last Jedi (followed by watching Vito's YouTube about it as a palate cleanser), 13) Han Solo movie, 14) The Force Awakens, and 15) The Rise of Skywalker. That's all I've seen.
  9. 🎅 I enjoyed Elf, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, the Grinch and the Rankin-Bass claymation movies the first 50 times I saw them each. My favorite Christmas movie is the Star Wars Holiday Special (the 3rd best Star Wars movie) and in particular I like JonTron's video about the Star Wars Holiday Special. #VideoFest2022. 12/20.
  10. Blowing up Capacitors at 187,000 frames per second. #VideoFest2022. 12/20.
  11. Marilyn Sobel - Plants of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. #VideoFest2022. 12/20.
  12. I'm a huge fan (256 pounds to be exact) of Little Debbie Snack Cakes, so this We Tried EVERY Little Debbie Snack video was enjoyable. I'm also a fan of the band Southern Culture on the Skids. #VideoFest2022. 12/20.
  13. This Nyan cat man video cracks me up. Maybe because he reminds me of the bass player of my first band. Just his face and hair -- not the cat, rainbow and Poptart parts. #VideoFest2022. 12/20.
  14. I enjoyed these videos by SprottEDU about ore deposit formation. #VideoFest2022. 12/20.
  15. Learn to Identify Lake Huron Rocks with Two Geologists. Very interesting to a rock hound like me. Subscribe to Michigan Rocks. Subscribe to DrNat13. #VideoFest2022. 12/20.
  16. Jake Brake From Hell Compilation 2021. I had no idea what a Jake Brake was until YouTube recommended this video to me. Now I hear them all the time on the highway. Will the Tesla semi have a Jake Brake simulator noise? #VideoFest2022. 12/20.
  17. How the World Sounds to Animals. Dogs experience life at an 80 frame/second frame-rate, which makes us look like we're moving in slow motion to them. Awesome video. #VideoFest2022. 12/20.
  18. Chocolate Truffles or Potato Fairies? Actually they're rain frogs. Very cute. #VideoFest2022. 12/20.
  19. My four favorite New Jersey area exploration YouTube channels: The Wandering Woodsman, DD Explores, Rustic Ventures, and cherri400. #VideoFest2022. 12/20.
  20. Hey! The Institute of Official Cheer is still online! I was looking up old websites that focus on retro popular culture, like i-mockery 🎅 and Retrocrush. Reminiscing about the old early 2000s web. 12/20.
  21. A collection of photos of gelatin mold desserts and entres. Weird and enchanting. 12/20.
  22. Awful Library Books. A blog! About horrible books. Send this link to your bibliophile and librarian friends. Recycle bad books -- that's what I do. 12/20.
  23. 🎅 José Van Haliano - Ain't Talkin' 'bout Feliz Navidad. 12/15.
  24. Toro y Moi 'MAHAL' Listening Party is the best music video of the 21st century. 12/13.
  25. Bad Back (Osteopaths Of Glory Mix) - MJ Hibbett is the best music video of now. 12/13.
  26. Cohansey Formation. Southern New Jersey is a giant beach. 12/2.
  27. Meteor tracking information.. 12/2.
  28. 🎅 Krampus wall decor. Krampus is an Austrian Christmas demon than brings bad kids to hell. 12/2.
  29. More about Mutha 016 - The Secret Syde / Erebus LP. 12/2.
  30. The Secret Syde – Erebus an unreleased post-punk album, that hopefully gets released. RIP drummer Rob Angello. 12/2.
  31. WebTV Emulation. 12/2.
  32. Aphex Twin Umbrella Windowlicker. I don't need this, but I want it. But it's sold out. 12/2.
  33. Cocaine Bear. Seems to have the same ridiculous vibe as Snakes on a Plane. 12/2.
  34. The Truth About Ugly Minerals. Respect! I have boxes of 'uglies'. 11/27.
  35. The exclusiveness of Oeteldonkers. A search for rainfrog gashapon on Aliexpress somehow lead me to the exclusive carnival world of Oeteldonk. 11/27.
  36. This is a comprehensive list of alkaline rock localities in the USA. 11/27.
  37. NJ Lidar Data. 11/27.
  38. Pure of heart, dumb of ass. 11/27.
  39. Atomic Surplus mid-century/space age wall switch plates. 11/27.
  40. KICKSVILLE! Radio. Old rock n' roll you've probably never heard before. 11/23.
  41. Yawning Potato Fairy frogs. 11/23.
  42. Klon guitar pedals. 11/23.
  43. Tiny helmets for chickens. 11/23.
  44. First time hearing Cradle of Filth "Her Ghost In The Fog" a vampire and demon react to vocals on this metal track. 11/19.
  45. Swiss Colony petits fours. A lifetime obsession. 11/19.
  46. Halloween is over! Merry Christmas! Merry Weird Christmas. 11/2.
  47. Only 5% of Plastic is actually recycled. 11/2.
  48. The only Halloween music mix I found this year. 11/2.
  49. Archie McPhee's fall lineup of new products, includes Ceasar Salad flavored candy canes. 11/2.
  50. Discmaster. An online archive of CDRs. 10/26.
  51. Soft Cell Ft JG Thirlwell Ghost Rider by Suicide Beacon Theatre 8/30/22. 10/24.
  52. Lithic Comparative Collection. 10/12.
  53. Track Bird Migrations. 10/12.
  54. Music To Spazz By with Dave the Spazz: Playlists and Archives. 10/12.
  55. Bedrock geologic map of the Branchville quadrangle, Sussex County, New Jersey. 10/12.
  56. Discount Blue DEVO energy dome hats for sale. #DEVO. 10/6.
  57. Electronicos Fantasticos. 10/4
  58. Popular bog locations: Whitesbog, Cloverdale, Franklin-Parker, Double Trouble State Park. 10/24
  59. Pyramid and Turkey Mountain. PDF. 10/4
  60. Stirling Brook ('Carnelian Creek'). Rock hounding location. 10/4
  61. Warren Township's hidden wonder: The mysterious Hofheimer Grotto. 10/4
  62. Longmont Point Castle. I haven't listened to this one yet. Phone pranks. 9/22
  63. rAw TiMe cable access show from Austin in 1999. For fans of phone pranks. 9/22
  64. rocks. 9/22
  65. Geology of the Dover magnetite district, Morris County, New Jersey is a good name for my next prog album. 9/22
  66. The minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill, Sussex County, New Jersey. GLOW. 9/22
  67. is the world's largest open database of minerals, rocks, meteorites and the localities they come from. 9/22
  68. Artfully Rogue: metallic robot structures. 4/22
  69. What the hell was Blog House? 4/22
  70. Perscope Films. Lots of classic PSA films from the past. 4/22
  71. Timothee Chalamet replaced by Elmo in Dune. 4/22
  72. Having fun with the Introducing Circuit Playground. 3/27
  73. Sound and Machinery. KAIRAI BUNCH. 3/27
  74. I like ceramic art. Jason Jacques Gallery. 3/27
  75. Adafruit Circuit Playground Library Reference 3/27
  76. Someone wrote a song called Atomic Chifforobe. 3/10
  77. BicBugs sells dead insects. Pretty ones. 3/10
  78. Big Clive: electronics projects. 3/6
  79. The 8-Bit Guy: retro computing & music. 3/16
  80. Arduino vs. Evil. 3/16
  81. GO SPORTS!. 3/6
  82. Evicshen. I like the record that is also a speaker. 2/21
  83. Frogs defending a cell phone 2/20.
  84. Vintage Soda Cans 2/20.
  85. I want to visit Haunted Trails Miniature Golf in Burbank, Illinois 2/20.
  86. Assorted Dinosaur statues 2/20
  87. Barnacles are terrifyingly interesting. 2/20.
  88. W Axolotl Cupcake 2/20.
  89. True Jersey official source of New Jersey marchandise. 2/20.
  90. Rootless Coffee 2/20
  91. Bones Coffee 2/20
  92. Booskerdoo Coffee 2/20
  93. The past few years I've been obsessed with DEVO. Now I'm obsessed with Van Halen Roth era. Not sure how long it will last. And by obsessed I mean "watch videos on YouTube about Eddie Van Halen's guitar and amp modifications". For starters, check out Dweezil Zappa's Running with the Dweezil Podcast 1/25.
  94. Prince started doing jumps because he was jealous of David Lee Roth 1/25.
  95. Eddie Van Halen got his stripped guitar idea from the punk band Dils 1/25.
  96. Set your TV to Filmaker Mode, for the best picture. Or Movie mode. If you still have a TV. 1/25
  97. How to turn steel black. 1/25
  98. Orangutan drives golf cart while listening to Phil Collins. 1/25
  99. Zine Idea Generator. Zines where like Blogs made of paper. 1/25
  100. Circle of Fifths. Music theory. 1/25
  101. Book cover art generator. It uses AI. 1/25
  102. The Day My Baby Gave Me A Surprise. A rare DEVO clip from 1975. 1/25. #DEVO
  103. The Devil’s in the details. Ben Franklin's to blame for the Jersey Devil? 1/25


  1. Consortium of North American Lichen Herbaria. (12/29)
  2. Kitty & Mr. C's Enchanted Tiki Hut Show. (12/29)
  3. The DestinyLand Podcast was one of my favorites from 2006. I found it on (12/21)
  4. An old blog/forum about the NJ Pine Barrens. (12/21)
  5. American Chairs makes 1950s style replicas of kitchen and diner chairs. (12/21)
  6. The Washington Wormhole. Not about politics. (12/21)
  7. Speed Racer Goes Crazy. (12/21)
  8. The trailer from Severance on Apple+. (12/21)
  9. Debbie Harry x H.R. Giger (12/21)
  10. We're Not Gonna Take It - Mariah Carey Christmas Special. A new Christmas classic. #Xmas. (12/4)
  11. Willow Osborne - Foggy Mountain Breakdown. (12/4)
  12. A tour of a West Virginia holler. (12/4)
  13. Learn about sub-prime mortgages from Time Dillion. (12/4)
  14. Arcane Bullshit. Wacky bumperstickers. (12/4)
  15. Police, Fire, EMS, Aviation, and Rail Audio Feeds online. From what I've read, the new generation of "Police Scanners" are difficult to use. Might as well use this website. There are a lot of explosions and sirens going off in my town, so I would like to know what's going on. (11/28)
  16. Prank Christmas cards #Xmas (11/28)
  17. Make your own Wireless LED lights. (11/28)
  18. Get the Prince TAFKAP font. (11/28)
  19. Sand Planet. Not Dune, but a Star Wars parody. (11/13)
  20. Electric Six - Danger! High Voltage. Fire in the Disco! Fire in the Taco Bell! Today I was reminded of this catchy song & video from 2002. (11/13)
  21. Where is Lucy?! Track the first spacecraft to explore the Trojan Asteroids of Jupiter! (11/17)
  22. [온스테이지2.0] 이루리 - Dive. Reminds me of the poppier side of post punk like Talking Heads. (11/13)
  23. What's going on with Shipping? As a former Sandy Hook "boat spotter", this YouTube site is interesting. (11/7)
  24. Professor Eric Laithwaite: Magnetic River. From 1975. (11/7)
  25. A guitar made with a TV. (11/7)
  26. Meeting of the "Byeahs". Bug collection? Check! I think I'm a Byeah at heart. (11/7)
  27. GET A HOBBY: work with ROCKS and CEMENT like JOHN DUNSWORTH. Jim Lahey of Trailer Park Boys. (11/7)
  28. A guitar made from a surfboard. (11/7)
  29. If Baby Yoda was a Cat (Mandalorian + OwlKitty). (11/7)
  30. The Old Country Buffet carving station is the worst place to make conversation. (11/7)
  31. Rammstein's Du Hast sung my Animals. (11/7)
  32. How to tell the difference between slag glass and obsidian. Essential information. (11/7)
  33. Philip Jefferies action figure. #TwinPeaks (9/12)
  34. e4e + StyleCLIPglobal for Everyone.ipynb Code for making cartoons into people. Watch this for an explanation. (9/12)
  35. YM2149 Synth (8/22)
  36. Chipgear: YM2149 Synth overview (Atari ST soundchip) (8/22)
  37. Impersonator ++ software (8/22)
  38. Spiceknot "If You Wanna Breathe My Sulfur" (8/22)
  39. Blue Jets (like lightning) over Sonora (8/22)
  40. Circuit Bent Video Enhancer (8/22)
  41. Sleepy Tube for video experimentation. (8/22)
  42. "The Empire was right " Star Wars theory. (8/22)
  43. Giant Crystal Cave (8/22)
  44. Randall Carlson's Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe (8/22)
  45. Furby Organ (6/9)
  46. Lighthouse Glossary of Terms (6/9)
  47. 5 Neat Guys I'm glad I wasn't a teenager in the 50s. (6/9)
  48. The Golden Segment ϕdelity. (6/9)
  49. Build speakers with foam board (5/28)
  50. DIY speakers for $30 (5/28)
  51. Karate Frog (5/28)
  52. More DEVO shirts #DEVO (5/28)
  53. Cicadas invade N.J. town where aliens landed in ‘War of the Worlds’ (5/28)
  54. Disappearing car door (5/28)
  55. 3-DEVO Live!! Best sound ever!, live #DEVO show. (4/24)
  56. Super Saturday Softubi Show, for fans of vinyl Godzilla/Kaiju figures (4/24)
  57. Delia Derbyshire, electronic musician (4/24)
  58. Star Trek: the Captain's Log, a chill montage of moments from Star Trek TNG (4/24)
  59. DEVO interview on David Letterman. #DEVO (3/23)
  60. New Poppy song EAT. (3/23)
  61. 1942 & 1943 Replicade retro video games.
  62. New Southern Culture on the Skids record. (3/12)
  63. 27 Ltr Rolls Royce Merlin Engine Street Legal Car. The hood is as long as the rest of the car! (3/12)
  64. A lost anime found in a vinyl record. Interesting story of obsessive media research. (3/12)
  65. Camaro floats in the air at high speed. (3/12)
  66. Samples Daft Punk used. (3/12)
  67. Hypno Semi-Modular Video Synthesizer System. (3/12)
  68. Oscilloscope Audio Display by AVE. #Oscilloscope. (2/28)
  69. Oscilloscope Music - Pictures from Sound by Techmoan. #Oscilloscope. (2/28)
  70. Oscilloscope Music by Jerobeam Fenderson. #Oscilloscope. (2/28)
  71. Oscilloscope Music - (Drawing with Sound) by Smarter Every Day. #Oscilloscope. (2/28)
  72. acapella iPhone sounds. (2/28)
  73. R.I.P. Daft Punk. (2/18)
  74. the Art of Code. (2/28)
  75. Why your NES is a TV station. An interesting video about the NES video game system and RF TV (because digital is boring). (2/6)
  76. The Guidebook to Marine Trash. Plastic is trashing our oceans. (1/27)
  77. Sushi art (1/27)
  78. This video is very weird (1/27)
  79. I want to visit the Sip n Dip in Montana. (1/27)
  80. DEVO Funko Pops will be released on 1/29/21 #DEVO
  81. More Nova Rockafeller: this video makes me nostalgic for super markets and this video features an impressive live performance (1/19)
  82. Hot Sam's Antiques and Foto Park in Lakeville, MN (1/19)
  83. Radioshack is back, at least online. (1/19)
  84. I enjoyed Red Letter Media's re:views of Twin Peaks season 3: Part 1 and Part 2. And yes, I also listed to (watched some) the 4 and a half hour Twin Peaks ACTUALLY EXPLAINED (No, Really) by Twin Perfect. (1/19) #DavidLynch
  85. Enjoying the song Hey You by Nova Rockafeller (1/16)
  86. Chubacabra t-shirt (1/13)
  87. Bass Boosted Cat (1/13)


  1. The last #Xmas link of the year: Breaking the Boar by Randy Taylor (12/30)
  2. HD Video of a Giant Squid (12/30)
  3. Vintage cigarette dispensers (12/30)
  4. Submarine Pickups (12/30)
  5. I enjoyed the animated short films HAZBIN HOTEL and HELLUVA BOSS. Definitely for adults. (12/25)
  6. Ubuweb's sound page has been around for over 15 years. It features audio clips from artists & other creative folks. I haven't visited the real/classic web (i.e. not Facebook, Twitter, IG, YouTube) much in recent years, but I'm glad Ubuweb still exists. (12/26)
  7. Daredevil 266, the best Christmas-themed comic book #Xmas (12/25)
  8. Buy road cones online (12/24)
  9. Jackpot Records has a nice selection of reprints of vintage records like Martin Denny Exotica LPs (12/24)
  10. Vicetone & Tony Igy - Astronomia [1 Hour Version]. The song of 2020? (12/24)
  11. Hidden Mathematics by Randal Carlson (12/24)
  12. Slayer X Wham! the worst #Xmas song, or the best? (12/24)
  13. JonTron's review of the Star Wars Holiday Special (11/17) #Xmas
  14. The Star Wars Holiday Special (12/17) #Xmas
  15. A mysterious undersea creature (12/17)
  16. An archive of Psychotronic Video Zine issues (12/17)
  17. Nyanners Goes Crazy For Swords. Nothing about 2020 was normal. (12/13)
  18. According to Spotify, the artists I most frequently listened to in 2020 were: Grimes, Poppy, King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard, Kim Petras and Knower. (12/10)
  19. A collection of cigarette ads featuring Santa (12/10) #Xmas
  20. Weird Christmas is simply the best Christmas website (12/10) #Xmas
  21. Night photography for Christmas lights (12/10) #Xmas
  22. Twin Peaks inspired Christmas music (12/10) #Xmas #DavidLynch
  23. All I want for Christmas is a Goat (12/10) #Xmas
  24. Dead Cosmonaut action figure (12/3)
  25. Ironman likes his snacks. Art. (12/3)
  26. Russian Cyberpunk Farm. Actual Video Footage. (12/3)
  27. The Muffler Men of Route 66 (12/3)
  28. A huge directory of Joe Camel images (12/3)
  29. Taco (Bell Grim) Reaper shirt. (12/3)
  30. Roadside Attractions Status that are opened or closed. (12/3)
  31. I'm glad link blogs like Waxy and Everlasting Blort are still around. (12/3)
  32. Tommy Siegel's Butt Birds. (12/3)
  33. Nike Dunk SB Low Toxic Sea Robbin. My favorite sneaker. (11/25)
  34. Nike SB "Toxic Sea Robin" Dunk Low. In an un-listed 2009 August release from Nike SB comes this Dunk Low dubbed the “Toxic Sea Robin". The best. (11/25)
  35. Surströmming Pasta recipe. Control yourself. (11/25)
  36. Home-brew lava lamps (11/21)
  37. The Devo Guitar Guide. (11/17) #DEVO
  38. Gerald Casale - It’s All Devo. Also buy Gerald's wine. (11/17) #DEVO
  39. The all time best live DEVO recording. (11/17) #DEVO
  40. The Rugs of Mark Mothersbaugh. I own one. (11/17) #DEVO
  41. Let Me Tickle Your Fancy by Jermaine Jackson, featuring Devo. (11/17) #DEVO
  42. Booji Boy on the Dr. Demento show. (11/17) #DEVO
  43. DEVO featured on the K-Tel compilation Radio Active. (11/17) #DEVO
  44. The McDonalds Happy Meal toy that ripped off DEVO's energy dome (hat). (11/17) #DEVO
  45. DEVO - Focus Group: Color - Part 1. (11/17) #DEVO
  46. Devo - E-Z Listening Muzak Cassettes, Vol's 1 & 2 (1981 & 1984). Futurismo released these recordings on vinyl & CD in 2016. (11/17) #DEVO
  47. Devo LP insert, 1984. (11/17) #DEVO
  48. (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction [Booji Boy Version]. (11/17) #DEVO
  49. DEVO rarities. (11/17) #DEVO
  50. A young person's guide to: DEVO Live. (11/17) #DEVO
  51. The Angriest Dog in the World. A comic by David Lynch. (11/17) #DavidLynch
  52. Tiny Dogs on Big Mushrooms (11/17)
  53. The Manual: How To Have A Number 1 The Easy Way (11/17)
  54. The Great Necco Wafer Panic of 2018.(11/15)
  55. Silica Gel, the band of the DEVO mega-fan who runs the DEVOtional DEVO convention. (11/15)
  56. I'm amazed how much music is on Spotify. In the 00's it might take me years to find a certain obscure song or album, but today almost anything I want is on Spotify. So much KPM library music is there. (11/15)
  57. Official KPM site for folks who would license library music for their productions. (11/8)
  58. Sam Spence, Art of the Synthesizer. Moogy library music. (11/8)
  59. KPM Music Library - Music For Dancefloors. Another KPM/Library album. (11/8)
  60. The Mood Modern: KPM and Bruton Music story revealed. A book about library music. (11/8)
  61. KPM library Funk. (11/8)
  62. The Strange World of Library Music. Library music is generic music prepared for movies, film and industrial films. A lot of it sounds as good as music by better known performers. (11/8)
  63. The Institute of Official Cheer. Pop culture website that's been around since 1997. (11/8)
  64. Mini Dragon's Lair Arcade Game. (11/8)
  65. Video Game Mini Files (11/8)
  66. People can't stop talking about the chess TV show on Netflix, but the best chess performance I saw this year was xQc VS moistcr1tikal (11/8)
  67. The worst cooking on YouTube (11/6)
  68. The Christmas Little Debbie Cakes are out. Get them while they're fresh. Order them online. (11/6)
  69. You think these bars can keep me in here?! (11/6)
  70. Emergency Goat! (10/24)
  71. Chihuahua goes crazy when... (10/24)
  72. You want some Mountain Dew? (10/24)
  73. The best Jurassic Park sequel. (10/24)
  74. Red Sprites and Blue Jets explained. (10/24)
  75. A font for the Prince symbol. Back in the 90's the musician changed his name to a glyph. (10/24)
  76. Exploring the SCP Foundation: The Ouroboros Cycle (All Parts). Spoken word paranormal science fiction. (10/14)
  77. Smeagol (hairless cat) hates Halloween (10/14)
  78. Bigfoot playing a saxophone. (10/14)
  79. BirdCast. Find out when birds are migrating through your area. (10/14)
  80. Underwater Flamingo Feeding (10/14)
  81. Buy Thomas's Trendy Socks (10/14)
  82. Big Iron on His Hip (8/23)
  83. Lizard Greets Man Like a Dog (8/23)
  84. 直播动态 Soundboard (8/23)
  85. Ghost Hunting Equipment (8/23)
  86. Animated Glow-In-The-Dark TV Pins (5/9)
  87. lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to collectable (5/9)
  88. Retro Sci-Fi Art from Alejandro Burdisio (5/9)
  89. Pachinko machines are like video games, pinball machines and slot machines all-in-one. Check out Modern Pachinko if you want to buy one, and What is PACHINKO: Japan's STRANGEST Obsession! (YouTube) for a mini documentary about them. (3/22)
  90. If you like comic books, check out Cartoonist Kayfabe and if you want to be a master of creating art with a Xerox machine, read Re: A Guide To Reproduction. (3/22)
  91. Beer named after chihuahuas: Chihuahua Cerveza. I bought a 6-pack and it was good. (3/22)
  92. Mathmos and Lava, the Original are two online sources of Lava Lamps. I own a Lava Lite (different company, I think), and 3 Lava Lamps (not sure of the origin). (3/22)


  1. Currently enjoying music by: Knower, Louis Cole, Grimes, and King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard. (12/31)
  2. New Rudy Ray Moore record RUDY RAY MOORE - STEP IT UP AND GO 10". (11/24)
  3. Westerly Sweater. What the Dude wore in The Big Lebowski. (11/24)
  4. How Daylight Saving Time Affects Your Part of the Country. Western Indiana in June is nice. (11/24)
  5. Optical Argyle Kitty Sweater In Blue. (11/24)
  6. 441 sets of Homophones. Please add Earl and URL. (11/15)
  7. Tardigrade toes. Tough but tiny. (11/5)
  8. Dragon Farm. Exotic beta fish. (11/5)
  9. Camera lenses inspired by the eyes of spiders. (11/5)
  10. A live map of flights currently over the greater NYC area. (11/5)
  11. Xenochu is a Pikachu Alien Xenomorph hybrid... that you can own and love. (11/5)
  12. Ancient Earth Globe. What did the earth look like 100,000,000 years ago? Hint: lots of Sleestaks. (11/5)
  13. Type like a H4ck3r. (11/5)
  14. Cherpumple Cake is a 3 layer cake filled with an cherry, apple and pumpkin pie. (11/5)
  15. Parks Standards Manual. (9/22)
  16. Halloween Glitter Kitty pin. (9/22)
  17. Rock isn't dead. Case in point, Flightless Records. (8/17)
  18. Mini arcade games: New Wave Toys. Tempest is my favorite. (8/17)
  19. Classic: Geraldine the dog that sounds like a Tie-Fighter. (8/17)
  20. Eddy Van Halen Announces Replica "Bumblebee" Guitar. 18 year old me thinks this is a great idea. (8/11)
  21. Check out this amazing looking toad. Red, white, black and beige. All the colors of my living room. (7/6)
  22. The SCTV YouTube page offers funny clips from the 1970s/80s Canadian comedy show Second City Television. SCTV featured comedians John Candy, Martin Short, Catherine O'Hara, and Harold Ramis to name a few. (7/6)
  23. Listen to rhubarb grow. (7/6)
  24. Wow Lynch Wow! provides insightful reviews of season 3 of Twin Peaks. I enjoyed season 3, but parts of it remain mysterious and inscrutable. (7/4)
  25. Trader Vics Tiki Mugs. If you're going to drink in the summer, you might as well drink with style. (6/27)
  26. Gamechanger Audio MOTOR Synth uses tiny motors and light to synthesize sound. (6/27)
  27. This guy is excavting his basement with tiny model machines. (6/26)
  28. Mad Scientist is creating underwater habitats for hamsters. (6/25)
  29. Gato Malo. Makes me laugh every time. (6/25)
  30. This raccoon t-shirt is the best t-shirt. (6/25)
  31. This octopus t-shirt is the other best t-shirt. I own one in every color. (6/25)
  32. Grand Royal Magazine was a 'zine released by members of the Beastie Boys. It's a great time capsule of what culture was like in the early/mid 1990s. (6/23)
  33. The top of Ohio was once part of Connecticut. Surprising. (6/23)
  34. Rent the movie Us. It's a great summer psychological horror comedy trip. Warning: the song 'Got 5 On It' is a ear worm, and you'll sing it for days. (6/23)